Saturday, March 19, 2005

Dark ages all over again?

What's up with the retreat of science in favor of myth? I read an article in the New York Times about how some IMAX theaters are passing on showing films that mention evolution. Most of these theaters are located in the South.
This is a disgrace. Imagine the generations of potential scientists from those areas who will not be developed.
The only good news is that this unsuccesful behavior may lead to fewer people with the urge for ignorance.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bill Moyer's Speech

A co-worker forwarded an excerpt of a column by Bill Moyers entitled Blind Faith. The overall message of the column is that we've become a largely delusioned people being led by delusioned politicians. Very good reading.

The column:

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tell the truth about Social Security

The New Your Times published an OpEd peice on Social Security today that does a much better job of addressing the underlying issues on the SS debate than I've seen in a long time.

Once people understand excatly what happening the Congress will be able to come up with solutions to address the real issues:
  1. People are living longer: when first conceived the expected lifespan was 62 years.
  2. People are having fewer children.
  3. The cult of consumerism does not encourage saving.