Saturday, December 24, 2005

Dowd: Kevin, not Maureen.

I find that I agree with some of what Maureen Dowd's brother, Kevin, has to say in his annual takeover of her column.

"To the P.C. Elites: The founding fathers guaranteed Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion. Please go away, you are making my hair hurt."

-- I tend to agree except for the fact that Religionists the world over seem bent on forcing those of us who differ in opinion to conform to their world view.

Later in the article he reminisces about some time in the hallowed 50's when his mother (not "mom," which is now suddenly "liberal") took him to see a Catholic nativity scene.

"We stood and admired that display with our Jewish and Protestant neighbors. No one seemed offended. Across the top was an angel, holding a sign that said, 'Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.' Let's save that."

I'm hoping that the several points-of-view contradictions in the article reflect that he is not a professional writer. Otherwise, I can see why his hair hurts. The undertone suggests that as long as you agree with him it's OK to be diverse.

There is much more to the article that I did not address.

Read more at Unfortunately, you'll have to pay to see the article.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Pastafarians take one on the chin

While some might deny that his Noodly Holiness was the one on trial, the enlightened know that "ID" was but a stand-in for Pastafrian teachings, that have now been all-but banned in science class by this ignorant decision:


So will this judge be branded as an "activist?"

Monday, December 19, 2005

The King Kong Movie was great!

I thought King Kong was great. I was worried that a 3-hour movie would be hard to sit through, but the time flew by. It's an intense visual and audio experience. Definitely to intense for little kids. I plan to go again and purchase the DVD when it comes out.

They made Kong come alive.


The Wizard of Oil

This is just too funny.

I love my Google home page

My Google home page rocks. I like the way I'm able to add content meaningful to me. Keep up the good work Google.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Jack Anderson, Investigative Journalist Who Angered the Powerful, Dies at 83 - New York Times

Jack Anderson, Investigative Journalist Who Angered the Powerful, Dies at 83 - New York Times

I was 15 when Watergate started heating up. Jack Anderson's column started me reading the rest of the Washington Post. Thanks Jack.


Maya, is Wal-Mart still your favorite store?

More Christmas rage - Drunken Santas run riot in Auckland - Dec 17, 2005

Carlton Pearson

Today I listened to a show on NPR called "This American Life" that discussed the ministry of Bishop Carlton Pearson who has been branded a heretic by most evangelical Christian groups.

Tonight, I sent him the following email:
Bishop Pearson,

I heard about you on "This American Life" today. I am not, and never have been, a christian. I was "graduated" out of Sunday school at the age of eight for asking questions like "If God created Adam and Eve and they had two sons, who did they marry?"

I hope that your ministry grows to encompass the herds of intolerant Christians who seem to be attempting to take over our country. To me it seems as if they don't want me to live in this country. I was delighted to hear the main tenets of your gospel of inclusion. It seems to me to be a thoughtful interpretation of the the teachings of Jesus.

I encourage you to keep up the good work. You are a force for good in what I see to be an increasingly intolerant world (I find it hard to distinguish between the fundamentalist Islamists and Christians).

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More Christmas Fury

WTOP: Department Store Santa Beat Up at Train Station

Department Store Santa Beat Up at Train Station
Dec 13th - 5:25pm

(Undated) -- Apparently, Santa Claus is the one who needs to watch out. reports a German man who works as a department store Santa was assaulted recently.

Thirty-one-year-old Stefan Stettler had finished his shift and was heading home when the attack happened. Police say Stettler, who was still in costume and in character, was talking to passengers while waiting for his train home.

He was asking people what they wanted for Christmas when two men grabbed his bag of presents and began to beat him with it.
Stettler's fingers were broken in the attack, and the suspects got away.
Police say the men were allegedly on edge after a full day of Christmas shopping when they attacked Stettler.

The victim admitted that people can be explosive at this time of the year, but added, quote, "come on, who beats up Santa Claus?"
(Copyright 2005 by MetroSource News. All Rights Reserved.)

More on Commercial Christmas - Murderous Santa display draws stares - Dec 14, 2005: "Murderous Santa display draws stares"

Joel Krupnik and Mildred Castellanos decked the front of their Manhattan mansion this year with a scene that includes a knife-wielding 5-foot-tall St. Nick and a tree full of decapitated Barbie dolls. Hidden partly behind a tree, the merry old elf grasps a disembodied doll's head with fake blood streaming from its eye sockets.

Way cool Syncopated Christmas Light Show

You've got to check this out.

Defending Christmas

'Soldiers' gear up to defend Christmas - Nation/Politics -

Christmas, for me, has never been a religious holiday. If I were a Christian, I would be dismayed by the wanton commercialism of the holiday.

I don't care if people say "Merry Christmas" to each other. I sometimes say it myself, but only because I'm expected to.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Christmas, but not for religious reasons.

Apparently it's OK if large numbers of people die a few at a time

An AP article found here discusses middle eastern traffic fatalities.

"We have adopted a transportation system that is killing people," said Abdul Rahman al-Janahi. "Is this sustainable? It's a transport system with no mercy."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Australian Race Relations

I've always been interested in traveling to Autstralia, but I've always harbored a feeling that I would not be welcome there as a visitor. Recent events are convincing me that I my feeling is valid.
I'm sure it's a beautiful country and that many, if not most, of the people there are not racist, but it only takes one slight to devalue an otherwise great vacation.