Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Something I did not know

Berkeley, A City in History Chapter 8: "The suburban boom was also influenced by the policies of government housing agencies. Middle class families found it easier to get low-interest FHA, VA, or Cal-Vet loans for suburban homes than for buying or upgrading housing in racially mixed urban neighborhoods. Until they were declared unconstitutional in 1948, the FHA actually encouraged the imposition of restrictive covenants, and it was not until the Kennedy presidency in the 1960s, that racial discrimination was outlawed in FHA loan programs. The overwhelmingly white post-war suburbs may have been the product of 'free market' forces, but they were heavily subsidized and supported by public funds and policies."

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Brawny Innocent Escapes

This is just too much! I have no idea how this guy keeps a straight face; there should be an Oscar for web video, he deserves to win.

Go here and send a greeting to your sweetie.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Weapons of mass attraction

Interesting commentary by Arnaud de Borchgrave in the Washington Times today. He comments on memoirs written by Chris Patten, the former "foreign minister" of the European Union, last British governor in Hong Kong and former Cabinet minister for overseas development.

In his memoirs, "Not Quite the Diplomat: Home Truths About World Affairs," Mr. Patten sadly sees the lack of U.S. global leadership leading to a new world disorder. Pre-emptive wars do not address the major problems of our era, from the challenge to the status quo by China and India, to failed and failing states, to terrorism, poverty and the environment.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Evolution Slate Outpolls Rivals - New York Times

The Dover school board that was pushing ID has been turfed out. Article here.