Dowd: Kevin, not Maureen.
I find that I agree with some of what Maureen Dowd's brother, Kevin, has to say in his annual takeover of her column.
"To the P.C. Elites: The founding fathers guaranteed Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion. Please go away, you are making my hair hurt."
-- I tend to agree except for the fact that Religionists the world over seem bent on forcing those of us who differ in opinion to conform to their world view.
Later in the article he reminisces about some time in the hallowed 50's when his mother (not "mom," which is now suddenly "liberal") took him to see a Catholic nativity scene.
"We stood and admired that display with our Jewish and Protestant neighbors. No one seemed offended. Across the top was an angel, holding a sign that said, 'Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.' Let's save that."
I'm hoping that the several points-of-view contradictions in the article reflect that he is not a professional writer. Otherwise, I can see why his hair hurts. The undertone suggests that as long as you agree with him it's OK to be diverse.
There is much more to the article that I did not address.
Read more at Unfortunately, you'll have to pay to see the article.