Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Things to do instead of kliiing yourself

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I hate OpenOffice on my Mac Mini

I purchased a Mac Mini sometime last year to test a web site error. Initial startup was fabulous. Getting it on to our home network was easy. Installing Firefox was easy.

Now I am trying to install Open Office because it's free and is supposed to do almost everything MS Office can do.

This is turning into pure hell:
  1. I went to the open office Web site to download the software.
  2. It asked me questions I had to research and randomly referred to the OS version 10.4 or tiger.
  3. Tried to install the software. It told me that X11 is not installed.
  4. I go to Apple's site to find X11.
  5. If find it and download it.
  6. I try to install it, it says a newer version is on my computer.
  7. I try to find it; it's not where they say it is.
  8. I decide that it is not installed.
  9. Finally I find it hidden on my OS X installation disk.
  10. I install it.
  11. Now I can install the application and everything works.
In the time it took me to install this application suite I could have earned the money it would have cost to purchase MS Office for the Mac.

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Handy Excel Macros - 1


Sub WalkAndPause()
' run a series of URL that take a parameter
' Give them some time to complete
' before running more

alertTime = Now

For myCount = 1 To 50

alertTime = alertTime + TimeValue("00:00:45")
Application.OnTime alertTime, "doMe"

Next myCount

End Sub

Sub doMe()
'Follow the links in the sheet - 3 at a time

Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, _
Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, _
Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, _
End Sub

Sub fixLink()
' Run down a list of URLs in a sheet and
' turn them into recognizable URLs

melink = ActiveCell.Value

ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, _
Address:= melink _
, TextToDisplay:= melink


If ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then


End If

End Sub